It’s summer 2021 and the start of my 100 mile summer swim challenge. The goal is to swim at least 100 miles over the course of the summer.

I started counting miles swum on June 1st and as of today (June 6th) I’m about 8% of the way there.
It’s always fun to have a goal or challenge in front of me to drive and motivate me. I admit, I am swimming for my own good health and connecting with fellow swimmers in the ocean. But, to add a measure of meaning to swimming 100 miles, I decided to raise awareness and money for two worthy not-for-profit organizations – the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project and National Psoriasis Foundation.
Surfing Madonna Challenge of the Century
Background – The Surfing Madonna is a 10 by 10 feet mosaic of the virgin of Guadalupe as envisioned on a surfboard by artist Mark Patterson. It was surreptitiously installed under a railroad underpass. Although it is a beautiful piece of art, the city considered it graffiti and ordered its removal. It was later re-installed across the road and has become a bit of a tourist attraction. It also inspired the formation of a not-for-profit called the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Encinitas community through outdoor walks, runs and other events.
One of the beneficiaries of money raised is the Surf Camp for Special Needs Kids.
Mike Redmon took over the leadership of the organization in 2020. Mike was my kayak escort during my nine-hour 13.5 miles Cardiff to Cove Swim on September 13th, 2020. So when he invited me to join his team and also create a solo event under the Challenge of the Century, I immediately said Yes!
To support my swim and benefit Surfing Madonna Foundation click here.

I have lived with psoriatic arthritis for most of my life. Until I learned about the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) about 10 years ago, I was suffering in silence. Beside the amazing work they do through their advocacy and fundamental research funding, I felt that I had found a community of people that understood what I was going through. If you or someone you know has an autoimmune disease, you know what I’m talking about.
No one wants talk about this unsexy affliction, but it’s something that I have to take into account when I manage my own health – with the help of my dermatologist and other healthcare professionals. If you or a loved one need to learn to how to live with this disease, please contact NPF.
Raising money and awareness for NPF is something that’s important to me.
To support my swim and benefit my swim please click here.

I have so much to be grateful. After a challenging year with the real fear of coronavirus that has changed our lives, I’m so grateful to my family, friends and supporters.